three eyed spider

Ryan Sponsler is an Austin based designer, painter, photographer and bookmaker. Threeeyedspider was created to give form to the variety of creative interests and skills required to bring the imagined into reality.


Corporate annual report

Downtown Austin Drinking Fountain Project

Created and designed two concepts for drinking fountains installed at 12 locations around downtown Austin, Texas for the City of Austin.

Design materials to educate the public on a new city wide initiative for the future

Water Conservation Brochures

Cover design, layout, and design of public outreach brochures for the City of Austin water conservation program.

Corporate annual report

Annual report

Photography, cover design and layout of annual progress report for city council, stakeholders and the public.

Design materials to educate the public on a new city wide initiative for the future

Public outreach

Illustration, photography, poster design, Cover design and layout of new water plan report for public outreach event.

Ribbon cutting ceremony for a new reclaimed water reservoir and pump station in Montopolis


Illustration, layout and design on invitation for public event.

Educational materials designed to educate the public on a new city wide initiative


Concept development, illustration, photography, layout and design of mockups for upcoming longterm Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) water meter installation project.

Bids and proposals designed to win new projects for the client


Cover design and layout of project proposals to acquire new company projects.

Book design and illustrations commissioned by the author to spread the word of finding balance in the work place

Book Design

Book illustrations, cover illustration and design, design and layout of book.